• Address

    3000 Hempstead Turnpike,
    Suite 112,
    Levittown, NY 11756 US



  • The Four Seasons

    Change is an undeniable force that impacts everything. Nothing in the physical world, either on Earth or in the Universe itself, is able to resist change and ultimate decay. Supernovas, for example, are the final explosive moments of massive stars. Our own changes through life are not as dramatic, but

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  • Your Wellness Profile

    All of us have had health-related issues at some time or other. Whether it's low back pain, headaches, asthma, gastritis, an ankle sprain, or a rotator cuff injury, we've all had a health problem that ultimately needed treatment. Chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and various types

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  • Self-Actualization and Regular Chiropractic Care

    Whether you're going out for a walk or a run, to the gym to lift weights, or to the pool to swim a few laps, the self-affirmation involved in the concept of "going out" or "going to" something for the sake of exercise is quite substantial. For most of us, it takes an extra effort, an extra application

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  • The Skating Rink

    In his 1856 journal, the great American philosopher and naturalist Henry David Thoreau wrote, "I love the winter, with its imprisonment and its cold, for it compels the prisoner to try new fields and resources." Thoreau, a fearless explorer of inner and outer landscapes, welcomed opportunities to learn

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  • Rejuvenation Versus Resignation

    Rejuvenation Versus Resignation This is the time of the new year when our recently made resolutions are put to the test. Were they holiday-fueled imaginings or meaningful expressions of our heart's true desires? Are our resolutions sturdy things that will help us carry out our goals and plans for the

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Levittown Location


3000 Hempstead Turnpike,
Suite 112,
Levittown, NY 11756



Office Hours


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm




8:00 am - 12:00 pm

